Kim Baranek, Founder
Founded on the principals of providing high-quality work products, first-rate service and senior-level, knowledgeable expertise to our clients, Baranek Consulting Group offers over 30 years of CEQA/NEPA consulting services experience.
As our President, Kim Baranek is here to serve your environmental management, planning and documentation needs on the full-range of planning, infrastructure and development projects.
We maintain strategic relationships with technical specialists to supplement the CEQA/NEPA capabilities of our in-house staff:
Biological Resources and Permitting
Archaeological/Historic Resources/Tribal Consultation
Air Quality/Odors/Health Risk
Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Climate Change
Transportation/Vehicle Miles Travelled
Hazardous Materials/Waste
Geographic Information Systems
We encourage you to review our Statement of Qualifications and contact us to arrange a time to discuss how we can serve your project's environmental planning and compliance needs.
Small Business Certifications:
City of San Diego, Emerging Local Business Enterprise (ELBE)
County of San Diego Approved EIR Preparer
SANDAG Planning Bench
Metropolitan Water District, San Diego County Water Authority California DGS, Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
California Public Utilities Commission, Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE)